Maine Library Association


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  • 19 Jul 2024 9:31 AM | Shavaun Rigler (Administrator)

    A new partnership between the Sustainable Libraries Initiative (SLI) and the Maine Library Association (MLA) aims to equip MLA members with resources and tools to address the challenges of climate change in their communities.

    Through this partnership, MLA members will join a nationwide community of practice who are using tools created or compiled by the SLI and its members to uncover ways that their libraries and communities will understand, lessen, and adapt to the effects of climate change. These tools include a custom CO2 calculator to help members estimate their current institutional greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to measure progress in efforts to reduce GHG emissions; a vendor list to aid in using environmentally friendly products and services; policy and programming examples; a webinar archive and the Road Map to Sustainability resource to help with planning. MLA members will also receive a 20% discount on the award-winning Sustainable Library Certification Program.

    “The Maine Library Association is thrilled to offer this exciting benefit to our members. The Sustainable Libraries Initiative is an important tool for all libraries engaged in the essential work of environmental sustainability, social equity and economic vitality. We look forward to our work together to support Maine libraries,” said Amy Wisehart, President of the Maine Library Association.

    “We applaud the Maine Library Association for seeking this partnership to enable all of their members to accelerate their adoption of sustainable thinking,” said Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Board President of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative, “Positioning the Maine library community as leaders in the conversation about climate change mitigation and adaptation is a strong move to ensure libraries contribute to their community’s resilience and remain relevant and responsive institutions.”

    The Sustainable Libraries Initiative’s Sustainable Libraries Certification Program (SLCP) provides library leaders with a tested, structured path forward to increase your library’s commitment to environmental stewardship, economic feasibility, and social equity. The certification program–with versions available for public libraries, academic libraries, library systems, and school librarians-guides participants to look to their communities to identify needs and potential partners, adjust their current practices to align with the triple-bottom-line definition of sustainability, and reflect on how these actions are having a real impact in their organization and community.

    Members of the Maine Library Association who opt in will receive one free year of annual membership to the Sustainable Libraries Initiative and a 20% discount on the award-winning Sustainable Library Certification Program. Cohorts of five or more libraries will receive a 25% discount on certification, supporting the principle that there is power in collective action.

    Sustainable Libraries Initiative
    The Sustainable Libraries Initiative is a member-driven organization that empowers library professionals to be leaders using triple-bottom-line sustainability (environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic feasibility) throughout their organizations and in their communities. The Sustainable Library Certification Program is now enrolling public and academic libraries, library systems, and school librarians nationwide.

  • 06 Feb 2024 2:55 PM | Elizabeth Bull (Administrator)

    The 2024 MLA Conference Grants are now live!

    The Maine Library Association is happy to be able to offer more scholarships this year thanks to many generous donors and a grant from the Gorman Foundation.

    Up to 10 grants will be available to attend MLA's Annual Conference, May 19-21. Awarded funds will be applied directly to the applicant's registration and will include up to two nights of lodging at Sunday River. 

    To apply, you must meet the following criteria:

    1. The applicant is a resident of the state of Maine.

    2. The applicant is currently employed by a library or media center in


    3. The applicant has a demonstrated financial need.

    The 2024 application deadline is March 31, 2024 and all applicants will receive a decision by mid-April 2024.

    For more information and to fill out your application visit our Conference Grants page:

  • 20 Dec 2023 12:17 PM | Elizabeth Bull (Administrator)

    Mark your calendars and get excited for the 2024 Maine Library Association's Annual Conference, May 19th-21st!

    This year's theme will focus on the part that libraries play as centers of democracy within their communities.

    Stay tuned for upcoming keynote speaker announcements, scholarship opportunities, highlights from last year's conference, and chances to nominate colleagues for awards. 

    As we gear up for the conference, MLA is now accepting proposals for sessions. Please fill out this form by 2/16/24:

    Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!

  • 29 Nov 2023 10:25 AM | Sonya Durney (Administrator)

    MLA is pleased to present the Library Wage Study  performed by Municipal Resources, Inc. (MRI). The study, initiated to address the complexities of compensation within Maine’s public libraries, has resulted in key insights and recommendations that we hope will serve as a valuable tool for both library directors striving to ensure fair wages for their employees and job seekers exploring opportunities within our vibrant library community.

    The study encompassed a thorough examination of key benchmark positions across public libraries in Maine, with a focus on developing pay and classification systems. Research extended to New England states, offering a regional perspective. Job descriptions for primary positions were crafted by MRI to serve as models for libraries, covering essential functions, qualification requirements, and work environment factors.

    The report emphasizes the importance of internal equity, ensuring fair compensation practices among current employees, and external equity, aligning with market values for similar positions in the broader workforce. A pay and classification plan is proposed as a foundation for equitable compensation. The plan aims to ensure "equal pay for equal work," with periodic reviews to maintain relevance.

    Recognizing the evolving economic landscape, it is essential to note that the data collected for FY23 is a snapshot in time. To maintain the validity of wage measures, adjustments for the yearly increase in the Consumer Price Index or the Maine minimum wage are recommended.

    The study would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our MLA Library Wage Subcommittee: Kate Wing (Chair), Wynter Giddings, Sonya Durney, Lee Koenigs, Steve Norman, and Michelle Conners. MLA is sincerely grateful to Carol Granfield of  Municipal Resources, Inc. for the time dedicated to this project and for grappling with the complexity of our requests.

    This report will serve as a valuable resource for our library community.

    Maine Library Association Wage Study 10-2023 FINAL revised 1-24.pdf

  • 05 Sep 2023 4:50 PM | Sonya Durney (Administrator)

    Join the Unite Against Book Bans campaign. Unite Against Book Bans is a national campaign to protect the rights of everyone to access information. Leveraging the reach of a national coalition, we connect, support, and mobilize both library workers and concerned community members to fight book bans in their communities and states.

    The Maine Library Association is a proud State Partner. 

  • 10 Apr 2023 1:03 PM | Jess Hovey
    The conference schedule for 2023 Annual MLA Conference is live! Please visit our conference page to view the program of sessions and speakers. Session descriptions are forthcoming.

    Advocacy in Action: The 2023 Maine Library Association Annual Meeting and Conference will take place on May 22-23 at Sunday River Ski Resort - Grand Summit Hotel in Newry, Maine. Our keynote speakers will be Tracie D. Hall, Executive Director of the American Library Association, and author Monica Wood. 

    MLA members and conference attendees are eligible for a discounted ticket price to the pre-conference fundraiser dinner on Sunday, May 21, with special guests and speakers Stephen and Tabitha King!

    Early Bird registration ends April 16th. Learn more and register at today!

  • 18 Nov 2022 3:07 PM | Wynter Giddings (Administrator)

    We have completed our 2021-2022 Impact Report, which can be viewed here. 

  • 22 Sep 2022 3:31 PM | Jeff Eastman

    Have you found yourself wondering, “what would happen if libraries went away, even for a day?” This is the driving question asked back in 2007 by New Jersey library workers that gave us Library Snapshot Day. The MLA Legislative Advocacy Committee is pleased to present Library Snapshot Day 2022 and we hope you’ll join us!

    Library Snapshot Day is about collecting data, yes, but it also aims to shine a light on the impact libraries have on communities. And we want to share that impact with elected officials, decision-makers, and other community leaders. The best advocacy work we can do is proactive and Library Snapshot Day is one more tool for raising awareness in our quiver. Please plan to join us for Library Snapshot Day 2022 and let others know what awesome things you do everyday by sharing one day.

    What you will do:

    • Pick any day during the week of September 25 - October 1, 2022

    • Take a picture of your library in action

    • Track the data and fill in this quick survey 

    • Attach your picture at the end of the survey

    That’s it!

    What we will do:

    We’ll send you a personalized, snappy little one-pager to share with your elected officials and we’ll put together a complete report for the Maine State Library to share with state and national leaders. 

    For more information and to register, visit:

    If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please email We can’t wait to read your stories!
  • 03 Jun 2022 10:25 AM | Jeff Eastman

    We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2022 Phyllis E. Ainsworth Scholarship is Wendy West, a student at San Jose State University.

    The Phyllis E. Ainsworth Scholarship was named in 1979 in honor of Mrs. Ainsworth, a Maine librarian who had recently been the first Southern Maine Library District Consultant. The $2,000 scholarship is awarded annually to a student member of MLA in order to defray the cost of graduate school.

    At the recent MLA conference, we also announced the winners of annual awards. The Outstanding Librarian of the Year is Angie Herrick of the Skowhegan Free Public Library. The Outstanding Library Advocate (a new award this year) is Evelyn Adelson of York, Maine.

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