Maine Library Association


  • 18 Nov 2022 3:07 PM | Wynter Giddings (Administrator)

    We have completed our 2021-2022 Impact Report, which can be viewed here. 

  • 22 Sep 2022 3:31 PM | Jeff Eastman

    Have you found yourself wondering, “what would happen if libraries went away, even for a day?” This is the driving question asked back in 2007 by New Jersey library workers that gave us Library Snapshot Day. The MLA Legislative Advocacy Committee is pleased to present Library Snapshot Day 2022 and we hope you’ll join us!

    Library Snapshot Day is about collecting data, yes, but it also aims to shine a light on the impact libraries have on communities. And we want to share that impact with elected officials, decision-makers, and other community leaders. The best advocacy work we can do is proactive and Library Snapshot Day is one more tool for raising awareness in our quiver. Please plan to join us for Library Snapshot Day 2022 and let others know what awesome things you do everyday by sharing one day.

    What you will do:

    • Pick any day during the week of September 25 - October 1, 2022

    • Take a picture of your library in action

    • Track the data and fill in this quick survey 

    • Attach your picture at the end of the survey

    That’s it!

    What we will do:

    We’ll send you a personalized, snappy little one-pager to share with your elected officials and we’ll put together a complete report for the Maine State Library to share with state and national leaders. 

    For more information and to register, visit:

    If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, please email We can’t wait to read your stories!
  • 03 Jun 2022 10:25 AM | Jeff Eastman

    We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2022 Phyllis E. Ainsworth Scholarship is Wendy West, a student at San Jose State University.

    The Phyllis E. Ainsworth Scholarship was named in 1979 in honor of Mrs. Ainsworth, a Maine librarian who had recently been the first Southern Maine Library District Consultant. The $2,000 scholarship is awarded annually to a student member of MLA in order to defray the cost of graduate school.

    At the recent MLA conference, we also announced the winners of annual awards. The Outstanding Librarian of the Year is Angie Herrick of the Skowhegan Free Public Library. The Outstanding Library Advocate (a new award this year) is Evelyn Adelson of York, Maine.

  • 31 May 2022 12:40 PM | Jeff Eastman

    Please welcome the recently elected officers who will begin their new two-year terms this year.

    • Treasurer -- Amy Wisehart, Director of Northeast Harbor Public Libary, was re-elected for another term
    • Member-at-large 1 -- Kate Wing, Course Materials and Collections Specialist at Bowdoin College, was re-elected for another term
    • Secretary -- Anna Faherty, Archivist at the Franco-American Collection at the University of Southern Maine's Lewiston-Auburn College, was elected

    Please also welcome Samantha Duckworth, Law Librarian at Verrill, as Intellectual Freedom Chair. Thank you to Joanna Breen and Matt Delaney, the outgoing Intellectual Freedom Chair and Secretary, for their dedication and hard work.

  • 06 May 2022 11:05 AM | Wynter Giddings (Administrator)

    Click here to access the ballot - you must log in to your account to access the ballot page.

  • 07 Jul 2020 4:47 PM | Jeff Eastman

    The MLA Board has proposed some changes to our bylaws. These would typically be discussed and voted on by members at the Annual Business Meeting, but due to the COVID pandemic complications this year, we were unable to get the changes ready in time. 

    We will be holding a (brief) special meeting on Thursday, August 6th at 10:00am, which is open to all active members who wish to discuss and vote on the proposed bylaws changes. This email shall serve as the required 30-day notice of such a meeting. The Bylaws with proposed changes can be viewed here:

    There are track changes in the document made by Rob Levin, who is the attorney MLA has retained, in order to assist us with our transition to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. 

    Your registration confirmation email will include a Zoom invite.

  • 03 Jun 2020 10:20 PM | Jeff Eastman

    The Maine Library Association stands against all forms of racism and hatred. Racism has no place in libraries or society. It is unacceptable and divides our communities. Libraries are committed to creating physical and virtual spaces that are welcoming to all. We stand for diversity, equity, inclusion, and open access to information in all of our programs and services in our libraries. The events of this past weekend are the latest in our nation’s painful history and they are indicative of a much larger, systemic problem of racism and oppression that must end. We have more work to do. Libraries have a critical role to play in confronting racism and creating equity.

    The Maine Library Association stands with the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA) and the American Library Association (ALA) in their condemnation of violence and racism toward Black people and all People of Color. We must listen, amplify the voices of Black people and People of Color, and be better allies. This is what libraries do: listen, convene, and support all our community members.

    Here is a compiled list of resources, books, and websites to help drive change and promote healing:

    University of New England AntiRacism Reading List

    Children’s books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance

    Anti-Racism for Kids 101: Starting to Talk About Race

    Teaching Tolerance - Free Webinars

    Advancing Racial Equity in Your Library

    Jennifer Alvino
    Maine Library Association, President 2019-2021

  • 23 Apr 2020 9:49 PM | Jeff Eastman

    National Library Week (NLW) is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation's libraries and library workers and to promote library use and support. The theme of NLW is “Find the Library at your Place”, and it reminds us of the many ways that libraries throughout Maine support their communities. From free access to materials and online resources to library business centers that help support entrepreneurship and retraining, libraries offer opportunity to all. 

    At a time when libraries have closed due to the COVID-19 crisis, they continue to evolve. Libraries and library workers are proving resourceful and resilient, and they are delivering access to ebooks, movies, music, video games, virtual story times, activities, and so much more. Maine Library Association stands in solidarity and support of library workers. We recommend and urge all libraries to close and remain closed to the public until guidance from the CDC is given that it is safe to reopen and the appropriate precautions taken. For library workers who work directly with the public and at-risk populations, the health and safety of staff and visitors is of utmost importance.

    While library buildings may be physically closed, librarians and library workers are busier than ever! They are continuing to safely deliver vital services to their communities, such as digital access, resource guides, research inquiry responses, online instruction to learners, teacher and faculty support, virtual story times and other content, including ebooks, eaudiobooks, movies, music, video games, and virtual programs and events.

    Maine Library Association (MLA) applauds the library workers who are stepping up to address needs and celebrates the variety of programming and ingenuity in this “new normal”. As President of MLA, I am pleased and proud as I see and hear of the new ways libraries are finding to connect with community members and provide continuity of service.

    The Tuesday of NLW is the day that celebrates National Library Workers’ Day. I hope you each took a moment to pat yourselves on the back and received some, well-deserved accolades from your communities. This week is not only an occasion to praise your work, but at this time of crisis, it is also a time to advocate for your continued safety. Library staff should be permitted to work remotely, where feasible, and buildings should remain closed to the public until such time that a phased reopening plan and precautions can be taken. Maine Library Association advocates that library workers are paid fully during this time and continue to receive benefits such as health insurance. In municipalities where budgets are being slashed and library workers are being furloughed or laid off, MLA continues to work with the American Library Association. We are asking the federal government to step in and provide relief for the second responders who are getting communities through this crisis and will enable our nation’s workforce to get back on its feet during the recovery. Strong libraries will be more important than ever to the communities they serve when life returns to normal.

    Libraries and library workers have vital roles to play in their communities, and MLA remains committed to supporting them during this challenging time.

    Be well, and I look forward to when our libraries reopen and we can meet in person again.

    Sincerely, Jen Alvino, MLA President 2019-2021

  • 13 Jun 2019 10:17 PM | Jeff Eastman

    The results are in for the 2019-2020 MLA Executive Board elections. Congratulations to Wynter Giddings of Curtis Memorial Library has been elected Vice President/President-elect and Cadence Atchinson ahs been re-elected Member at Large. 

  • 01 Mar 2019 2:34 PM | Jeff Eastman

    The Maine Library Association thanks the Health Sciences Library & Information Consortium for donating to the MLA Scholarship Fund. Sadly, the HSLIC disbanded earlier this year, but we are grateful for their contribution to helping Maine resident seeking education in library science.

    "The HSLIC members are proud that our organization's legacy will support future librarians in the state of Maine. Thank you to the Maine Library Association for providing this opportunity and your ongoing work on behalf of Maine libraries!" says Dina McKelvy, Director of Library and Information Services at Maine Medical Center and past chair of HSLIC.

    To learn more about the Scholarship Fund, please visit our Scholarship & Loan Committee page.

Maine Library Association

55 N. Main Street, Unit 49

Belchertown, MA 01007


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