Maine Library Association
Are you interested in leading a campaign in Dungeons & Dragons, but have been too intimidated? The Maine Library Association's Youth Services Section is here to save you!
This multi-part series will lead participants though every step needed to build and run a successful D&D Campaign at your library- or in your home!
Run by Chris Libby, the Adult Services Assistant at the Scarborough Public Library. His experience with Dungeons & Dragons includes time as both a dungeon master and a player, well as running Library D&D programs for all ages (mostly teens, though). During the pandemic, he has run Dungeons & Dragons programming online for the Scarborough Public Library, wrapping up the 3rd campaign this May.
This is a TWO DAY WEBINAR on June 14th & 15th from 10:00am - 12:00 pm. We’ll look at the parts that comprise D&D gameplay, the mechanics that govern them, and how to set up your own D&D game.
Register for one session or register for them all!
The money raised from this program helps fund the Lupine & Katahdin Awards and fund other exciting YSS activities.
55 N. Main Street, Unit 49
Belchertown, MA 01007
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