August 25, 2014
Waterville Public Library
73 Elm Street
Waterville, Maine 04901
All librarians who work with youth are invited to attend Beg, Borrow or Steal on Monday, August 25th at the Waterville Public Library for 9am - 3pm.
The guest speaker for the event will be Shannon Schinagl, the new Emergent/Family Literacy and Children's Services consultant for the State of Maine.
Everyone will have an opportunity to share their favorite program ideas, but if anyone would like to do a more "formal" presentation on a topic, please contact Abby Morrow at amorrow@ellsworth.lib.me.us. We are looking for at least a couple volunteers to schedule a presentation--don't worry--it's low-key and a lot of fun!
Registration is $20 and it will cover lunch which is being ordered from a local sandwich shop. Please make sure to list your sandwich preferences on your registration form so we will know what to order. Drinks and dessert will also be provided.
If you have questions please contact Abby Morrow amorrow@ellsworth.lib.me.us.
Directions: Click on the directions link below to create specific directions from your location to Waterville Public Library.